On the Constitution of a Government of Progress in SpainRESOLUTION OF THE SECRETARIAT OF THE PARTY OF THE EUROPEAN LEFT ON THE CONSTITUTION OF A GOVERNMENT OF PROGRESS IN SPAINThe formation of a Coalition Government in Spain between PSOE and Unida Podemos (formed among other formations by Podemos, Izquierda Unida) has been received with joy and illusion by the social and union forces that have put their hope in the possibility of eliminating the reforms and cuts of an authoritarian and antisocial nature since 2010.This government, with a vice-presidency and four ministries for Unidas Podemos, two of which will be occupied by IU and PCE militants, has equipped itself with a programme that contemplates, among other measures, initiatives for the equality of women and against male violence, improvements to the minimum wage, pensions and the recovery of labour and civic rights, as well as opening a way to resolve the political crisis that exists in Catalonia through dialogue and negotiation and putting into practice measures for the recovery of democratic memory in Spain.At the same time, this government has been received with aggression and tension by the forces of the right, which have shown their more radical face, developing a political and media campaign that has gone so far as to publicly describe the government as illegitimate, and even a right-wing MEP has called for the intervention of the army against the government.

This position of the Spanish right-wing takes us back to times when, because of their anti-democratic violence, we believe they should have been cornered in the worst place in our memory and should be denounced as an element of destabilisation that could affect the whole of the European Union.From this perspective, the Party of the European Left:1.- Welcomes the constitution of the Government of Progress in Spain, which can play an important role in counterbalancing the conservative and reactionary initiatives of the right-wing governments that are in the majority in the European Union today.2.- Considers it very worrying that the Spanish right does not assume the legitimacy of a government that has been democratically voted by the Spanish Parliament and tries to use undemocratic means to destabilise it3.- Congratulates IU and PCE, as member parties of the EL, for the unitary work developed within the Unidas Podemos and for their contribution to the formation of this Government.4.- Shows its willingness to contribute to the success of the Government of Progress in Spain by calling on the rest of the progressive, green and left-wing forces in Europe to consider the defence of democracy in Spain as a priority issue

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