Justyne Caruana’s resignation is not enough!Two events that happened today were the result of the lack of accountability in our political system, the lack of effective leadership in the Civil Service and the Labour government.ADPD-The Green Party Chairperson, Carmel Cacopardo said: “a system of unbridled clientelism, favours and corruption is not something new within Maltese governments, but the stories in the media today confirm the rot within the Maltese state, with persons occupying the higher echelons of the Civil Service aiding and abetting this system instead of stopping it as they are duty bound to do!”“Finally former Minister for Education Justyne Caruana has resigned.

Justyne Caruana’s resignation was inevitable. Although she could have delayed the decision, she had been put with her back against the wall in a situation from which she could not survive unscathed. This was the second resignation as a result of a report by the Commissioner for Standards in Public life – the previous one was Rosianne Cutajar’s. In the case of Justyne Caruana resigning twice from the Cabinet in a matter of months must be a record. It reveals that Robert Abela failed miserably in his judgment in giving her a second chance.However, Justyne Caruana’s resignation is not enough. It is inevitable that Frank Fabri – the Permanent Secretary that approved the contract to Justyne Caruana’s close friend Daniel Bogdanovic – submits his resignation too. Our Civil Service has a key role in the fight for good governance and against abuse and corruption. Permanent Secretaries are crucial in this fight. Whoever fails in this duty should no longer be there. The rot in the Civil Service should be eradicated – Frank Fabri should be made to resign or else be dismissed immediately. People like him should not be occupying roles that are meant to guarantee good governance and leadership.Carmel Cacopardo also referred to reports that revealed that the US State Department has decided that there is enough proof of corruption for Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi – ‘stars’ of Labour Party ‘movement’ and Joseph Muscat’s – are banned from travel to the US.“These people have besmirched the country’s reputation. It is surprising that some are so blinded politically that they treat these people as some sort of heroes. But one must question: if the US State Department has enough information on corruption, kickbacks and money laundering involving Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi, is it possible that Malta’s Police Commissioner, Angelo Gafà does not have sufficient evidence and information for these two persons that have done so much harm to our country and Malta’s governance system to be arraigned in court immediately? Is he not capable to use his executive powers for justice to prevail? Or do we need the Police Commissioner to be replaced?”***Ir-riżenja ta’ Justyne Caruana mhix biżżejjed!Illum seħħew żewġ affarijiet riżultat tal-mentalità tax-xejn m’hu xejn fis-sistema politika, tat-tmexxija ineffettiva taċ-ċivil u tal-Gvern Laburista.“Is-sistema ta’ klijenteliżmu sfrenat, pjaċiri u korruzzjoni fil-Gvernijiet ta’ Malta mhux xi ħaġa ġdida, imma l-istejjer fil-ġurnali tal-lum juru kemm huwa mnawwar l-istat Malti, b’persuni f’karigi għolja fis-servizz pubbliku jgħinu u jaġevolaw il-pjaċiri, il-klijenteliżmu u l-korruzzjon minflok iwaqqfuhom kif inhu dmirhom”, qal iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD-The Green Party, Carmel Cacopardo.“Fl-aħħar Justyne Caruana, li kienet Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni irriżenjat. Ir-riżenja ta’ Justyne Caruana kienet inevitabbli. Setgħet iddum ftit ieħor, imma kienet fir-rokna, ma kellhiex minn fejn toħroġ. Din hi t-tieni riżenja bħala riżultat tar-rapporti tal-Kummissarju għall-Istandards fil-Ħajja Pubblika. L-oħra kienet ta’ Rosianne Cutajar. Li tirreżenja darbtejn mill-Kabinett fi ftit xhur naħseb li hu rekord. Juri li l-ġudizzju ta’ Robert Abela li jagħtiha ċans ieħor kien wieħed żbaljat għall-aħħar.Ir-riżenja ta’ Justyne Caruana mhix il-konklużjoni. Hu inevitabbli ukoll li tkun ppreżentata r-riżenja ta’ Frank Fabri, is-Segretarju Permanenti li approva l-kuntratt ta’ sieħeb Justyne Caruana, Daniel Bogdanovic. Fil-ġlieda għall-governanza tajba, fil-ġlieda kontra l-abbuż u l-korruzzjoni, iċ-ċivil għandu rwol importanti. Is-segretarji permanenti għandhom sehem kruċjali f’din il-ġlieda. Min minnhom jonqos li jagħti sehemu m’hemmx post għalih. It-tnawwir fiċ-ċivil irid jinqered – Frank Fabri għandu jiġi mġiegħel jirriżenja, inkella għandu jitkeċċa minnufih. Nies bħalu mhux posthom f’karigi li suppost jiggarantixxu tmexxija u governanza tajba.”Carmel Cacopardo irrefera wkoll għar-rapporti li jgħidu li d-Dipartiment tal-Istat tal-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika iddeċieda li hemm provi biżżejjed dwar korruzzjon

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