Laws stripped of a human dimension end up being nothing more than unjust lawsIn comments regarding the two Turkish mothers who have been sentenced to six months imprisonment after being found guilty of falsification of documents, ADPD – The Green Party’s chairperson Carmel Cacpopardo insisted that the courts cannot disregard the fact that the two women were attempting to escape from dangers to their families with the meagre means at their disposal. Cacopardo reiterated that the two teachers cannot be considered as mere criminals but as persons seeking refuge and asylum for themselves and their families.Mario Mallia, ADPD – The Green Party’s Deputy Chairperson added that the courts cannot fail to consider the fact that these two mothers are taking care of two young children in dire need of their parents. “It is not fair that due to a reductionist interpretation of the law by the courts, two young children risk being traumatized by forsaking them from their parents, with the only contact made possible being Skype”.  Mario Mallia appealed to the courts to find a solution as soon as possible for these parents to be freed and be able to embrace their young ones again. “Laws applied stripped of a human dimension end up being nothing more than unjust laws”.***F’kumment fuq iż-żewġ ommijiet u għalliema Torok li ġew ikkundannati għal sitt xhur ħabs fuq falsifikazzjoni ta’ dokumenti, iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD Carmel Cacopardo qal li l-qorti ma tistax ma tieħux kont tal-fatt li dawn iż-żewġ nisa kienu qed jaħarbu bil-mezzi limitati li kellhom għad-dispozizzjoni tagħhom, minn sitwazzjoni ta’ periklu għalihom u għal familja tagħhom.

Cacopardo qal li dawn iż-żewġ għalliema ma jistgħux jitqiesu bħala kriminali komuni imma bħala persuni li qed ifittxu l-protezzjoni minn persekuzzjoni f’pajjiżhom.Mario Mallia, Deputat Chairperson ta’ ADPD żied wkoll li l-qorti ma tistax ma tieħux f’kunsiderazzjoni il-fatt li dawn l-ommijiet iridu jieħdu ħsieb żewġt itfal żgħar li għandhom bżonn il-preżenza ta’ xi ħadd mill-ġenituri tagħhom biex jindukrhom. “Mhuwiex ġust li minħabba l-interpretazzjoni dejqa tal-liġi, żewġt itfal jistgħu jispiċċaw trawmatizzati ‘l-bogħod mill-ġenituri tagħhom bl-uniku kuntatt ikun permezz tal-iSkype. Nappella biex mingħajr dewmien, jinstab mezz sabiex dawn il-ġenituri jinħelsu u jingħaqdu mat-tfal żgħar tagħhom. Liġi mingħajr wiċċ uman hija liġi nġusta, temm jgħid Mallia.

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