The delegations of the Forum of Sao Paulo (FSP) and the Party of the European Left (EL) that participated in the Seminar organised by the Mexican Workers’ Party (PT) held a meeting to assess the current international situation.In concrete terms, both organisations agreed on the positive assessment of the electoral successes of the progressive forces in Latin America and the progress achieved in the integration process represented by CELAC, in terms of the application of socially advanced policies that can allow a way out of the crisis caused by the pandemic in favour of the social majority, and especially of the most vulnerable sectors of society.The FSP and the EL agree on the need to bring about major changes in the international order, to move towards relations between states marked by solidarity in the defence of peace and the progress of peoples.While welcoming the successes achieved by the progressive forces, they denounce the increasing pressure of the US government and its local allies on progressive and popular governments that do not submit to their interests.

Specifically, we denounce the blockade and the unilateral economic sanctions upon Venezuela and Cuba, which are causing tremendous damage to their peoples and are completely against international law. We call for compliance with the principles reflected in the Founding Charter of the United Nations, defending the sovereignty of independent states and the principles of non-interference and self-determination of peoples.In this context, the EL has shown its solidarity with the attacks and insults that the Sao Paulo Forum and its members are receiving from the extreme right-wing sectors of European politics: they are trying to criminalise an organisation that has stood out, since its foundation, for the defence of democracy as the instrument to advance progressive governments and bury the neoliberal policies that have caused the ruin of national economies.It has been the Sao Paulo Forum, and its member parties, who have been the victims of aggressions, terrorist and coup actions that are costing the lives of thousands of activists and political leaders. The reality is that, in all its history, the FSP has never supported a coup d’état – something that cannot be said by the political forces that are now trying to criminalise it, as they have been involved in or supported coup actions. On the contrary, the political forces of the São Paulo Forum defend peace, as proclaimed by CELAC in 2010, dialogue, cooperation and multilateralism, for the construction of a world of solidarity and social justice.In this framework, the FSP and the EL denounce the campaigns of the extreme right in Europe aimed at activating the most extreme reactionary forces in our countries, whose peoples are struggling to overcome poverty and social injustice, and to defeat authoritarianism and neo-fascism in our region.In reference to Europe, both organisations are concerned about the announced re-founding of NATO at its next Summit in 2022, insofar as it may extend its scope of action to the whole Planet and especially to Latin America. As defenders of peace, we are ready to counteract the growing international tensions that lead to a new Cold War: therefore, we reject any increase in the military budget and we distance ourselves from the militaristic approach proposed by NATO, which represents a serious threat to peace. We will work for the construction of a movement that defends peace and the right of all the peoples of the planet to decide on their future in a world of peace and solidarity.From these shared assessments, both organisations will advance in collaboration and joint work, holding a new edition of the “Shared Visions Seminar” to deepen these analyses and continue working together on the values of social justice and defence of democracy both in Latin America and in Europe.***FR***LES DÉLÉGATIONS DU FORUM DE SÃO PAULO ET DU PARTI DE LA GAUCHE EUROPÉENNE DENONCENT LA CAMPAGNE DE L’EXTRÊME DROITE POUR CRIMINALISER LE FSP ET DESTABILISER L’AMÉRIQUE LATINELes délégations du Forum de São Paulo (FSP) et du Parti de la Gauche Européenne (PGE) qui ont participé au Séminaire organisé par le Parti du Travail du Mexique (PT) ont tenu une réunion d’évaluation sur la situation internationale actuelle.Concrètement, les deux organisations ont évalué positivement les succès électoraux des forces progressistes en Amérique Latine et les progrès réalisés dans le processus d’intégration représenté par la CELAC, en ce qui concerne l’application de politiques socialement avancées qui peuvent permettre une sortie de la crise causée par la pandémie qui bénéficie à la majorité de la société, et en particulier à ses secteurs les plus vulnérable

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