Empathy is key in the abortion debate.

This was emphasised by Carmel Cacopardo, ADPD – The Green Party leader when delivering the concluding address in this year’s online Annual General Meeting.

Decriminalising abortion with respect to women is the first basic essential step which requires urgent action in Malta. It is essential as women who undergo abortion need the protection of the state and not being threatened with prosecution and persecution. The Labour Party and the Nationalist Party were criticised for stonewalling the debate.

ADPD – The Green Party’s annual general meeting also decided that abortion should be addressed in its forthcoming electoral manifesto and instructed its Executive Committee accordingly.

The Green leader also discussed the discriminatory electoral legislation on which there is a consensus between the two Parliamentary parties. Both of them, he emphasised, are ultimately responsible for the mess created. Greens fully agreed with the need for gender balance and proportionality in the electoral system. These, however, should not be discriminatory. Nor should they lead to an astronomical increase in the size of Malta’s Parliament.

In his address Carmel Cacopardo also discussed the environmental impacts of roadworks in hand and the indiscriminate chopping off of trees. The abusive works in Comino carried out by the Gozo Ministry were also referred to. The chopping of trees in Attard in front of the residence of veteran environmentalist Alfred Baldacchino were referred to as the latest example of the Transport Ministry’s violent spree on nature.

The General Meeting approved a new Executive Committee as follows: Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo, Deputy Chairperson Mario Mallia and Mark Zerafa, Secretary General Ralph Cassar, Deputy Secretary General Sandra Gauci and Melissa Bagley, PRO Marcus Lauri, Treasurer Luke Caruana, International Secretary Mina Tolu and Members Duncan Bonnici, Martina Caruana, Anna Azzopardi, Donal Kelly, Jamie Mercieca, Matthew Mizzi.


AGM 2021: L-empatija hija l-qofol ta’ kollox

L-empatija hija l-qofol ta’ kollox fid-diskussjoni dwar l-abort. Dan saħqu ċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD Carmel Cacopardo, meta għalaq il-laqgħa ġenerali annwali tal-partit li saret online.

Id-dekriminalizazzjoni tal-abort fil-każ tan-nies huwa l-ewwel pass bażiku u essenzjali li teħtieġ li ssir b’urġenza f’pajjiżna. Huwa importanti ħafna li mara li tirrikorri għall-abort ikollha l-protezzjoni tal-istat, u mhux li tiġi kriminalizzata. Il-Partit Laburista u l-Partit Nazzjonalista lanqas biss iridu jiddiskutu.

Il-laqgħa ġenerali ddeċidiet ukoll li l-abort għandu jiġi ndirizzat fil-manifest elettorali tal-partit u tat struzzjonijiet lill-Eżekuttiv f’dan ir-rigward.

Il-mexxej tal-Ħodor tkellem ukoll dwar il-liġi elettorali diskriminatorja, liema diskriminazzjoni jaqblu magħha iż-żewġ partiti fil-Parlament. It-tnejn li hua huma responsabbli għad-diskriminazzjoni li daħħlu huma stess fil-liġi elettorali. Bħala partit l-ADPD jaqbel mal-bżonn ta’ bilanċ bejn il-ġeneri u proporzjonalita fis-sistema elettorali, pero dawn il-prinċipji għandhom japplikaw għal kull partit, u mhux jintużaw bħala paraventu biex il-liġi elettorali tiffavorixxi lill-PLPN. Lnqas m’għandhom jiżdiedu b’mod astronomiku n-numru ta’ siġġijiet fil-Parlament.

Fid-diskors tiegħu Carmel Cacopardo tkellem ukoll dwar l-impatti ambjentali tax-xogħolijiet fuq it-toroq u t-tqaċċit bl-addoċċ tas-siġar. Tkellem dwar l-isfreġju f’Kemmuna li sar mill-Ministeru għal Għawdex. also discussed the environmental impacts of roadworks in hand and the indiscriminate chopping of trees. The abusive works in Comino carried out by the Gozo Ministry were also referred to. Is-siġar li tqaċċtu f’Ħ’Attard quddiem ir-residenza tal-ambjentalist veteran Alfred Baldacchino huma l-aktar eżempju riċenti tal-attakk kontinwu u sfrenat tal-Ministeru tat-Trasport fuq in-natura.

Il-laqgħa ġenerali approvat il-kumitat eżekuttiv kompost kif ġej: Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo, Deputati Chairpersons Mario Mallia u Mark Zerafa, Segretarju Ġenerali Ralph Cassar, Deputati Segretarji Ġenerali Sandra Gauci u Melissa Bagley, PRO Marcus Lauri, Teżorier Luke Caruana, Segretarju Internazzjonali Mina Tolu, membri: Duncan Bonnici, Martina Caruana, Anna Azzopardi, Donal Kelly, Jamie Mercieca, Matthew Mizzi.

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