ADPD – The Green Party observes that the number of decisions of the Agricultural Leases Board which are evicting farmers from agricultural land is on the increase.ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said: “It is clear that the protection afforded to the farming community is slowly disappearing.

An urgent Parliamentary intervention to re-establish the protection of our farmers and agricultural land is essential. Farming is already downtrodden: as a result of these decisions matters will get considerably worse. The countryside will now be neglected more than ever as the few remaining farmers will soon disappear. We express our solidarity with farmers and with the organisations representing them. Who will be the last farmer?”***ADPD tosserva li qed jiżdiedu in-numru ta’ sentenzi li permezz tagħhom il-Bord li jirregola l-qbiela qed jiżgombra bdiewa minn għelieqi li ilhom jaħdmu is-snin.Iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD Carmel Cacopardo qal: “Hu ċar li l-protezzjoni li kellhom il-bdiewa qed tikkrolla ftit ftit. Hemm bżonn intervent mill-Parlament biex jiġi stabilit mill-ġdid il-ħarsien tal-bdiewa li ilu jeżisti għal snin kbar. Il-biedja li diġa hi mgħattna ser tkompli tieħu daqqa l-isfel. Il-kampanja se tkompli tinqered, għax il-bdiewa li diġa naqsu ħafna issa se jaqilgħu id-daqqa tal-mewt. Nesprimu s-solidarjeta tagħna mal-bdiewa u mal-għaqdiet li qed jirrapreżentawhom. Min se jkun l-aħħar bidwi?”

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