It is important for the left alliance to modernise Finland more equal, fairer and more sustainable.

– This Government is able to implement reforms that have been hoped for for years or decades, and that is what Arhinmäki says. – Reforms should not be It is important to do careful preparation and systematically move forward. Marin's government is doing important work on behalf of Finland and Finns. We give all our support to this work. Arhinmäki commentes The government's climate Fund and the reform of energy taxation, but calls for new climate action, including in relation to peat. Climate action must be ambitious, but at the same time, social and territorial equality and justice must be taken into account. – We have a bold and necessary goal from Finland as a carbon neutral country in 2035. Climate action must be ambitious, but at the same time social and territorial equality and justice must be taken into account, Arhinmäki recalls. As the main gender equality actions of the government, Arhinmäki mentions the extension of compulsory education to eighteen years of age. – Each young person must be guaranteed at least a second degree. Only primary education has fewer jobs and opportunities in our society. Employment needs to be improved by helping and supporting, not by cutting. According to Arhinmäki, investments in knowledge and well-being are key to raising the level of employment. – The unjust and humiliating active model has been dismantled. Employment needs to be improved by helping and supporting, not by cutting, he line.

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