Enhedslisten står i fuld solidaritet med de modige iranske demonstranter, som siden september har protesteret højlydt imod det undertrykkende diktatur i Iran.

Det er en kamp for frihed, ligestilling og fundamentale menneskerettigheder. Vi forlanger, at det iranske regime skal omstøde dødsdommene og løslade de fængslede. Her kan du læse et åbent brev fra Enhedslisten til den iranske ambassade i Danmark og de iranske myndigheder i Iran. Det findes oversat til dansk længere nede på siden.   Open Letter to the Iranian Ambassador to Denmark Mrs. Afsaneh Nadipour, We write you as members of the Danish Parliament and of the Red-Green Alliance to express our concern and abhorrence regarding the grave human rights situation inside Iran. We kindly ask you to relay our message to all relevant ruling authorities within the Republic. As you are aware, the upsetting murder of Mahsa Jina Amini ― a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman detained in September 2022 for inadequate compliance with the mandatory hijab law ― sparked widespread protests among thousands upon thousands of Iranians from all walks of life. Clearly, the brutal fate of Amini struck a chord deep within Iranian society. Yet, instead of heeding the loud calls for change and freedom, the state initiated a harsh crackdown and ongoing persecution of protesters with the evident aim of suppressing legitimate public grievances and aspirations. Reputable human rights organizations have reported an excess of 500 deaths, including 68 children, and over 18,000 estimated arrests. This behavior is reminiscent of earlier government crackdowns in the Islamic Republic during the mass executions of the 1980s, the student protests of 1999, the ‘green movement’ in 2009, and the large public protests against economic hardship and mismanagement in 2017 and 2019. This pattern of violent abuse must stop immediately. We write you in the spirit of solidarity with the brave Iranian women and girls, and their fellow men and boys, who are taking a courageous stand for their freedom and human rights against incredible odds and at great personal risk. We emphatically support the protesters’ demands for freedom and gender equality inside Iran. We cannot but admire their passionate display of heroism and fearlessness. As such, we condemn the ongoing crackdown and violent persecution of demonstrators. In particular, we are repulsed by the copious reports of arbitrary detentions, torture, disturbing cases of rape and sexual assault by prison officials and security agents, extrajudicial killings, forced confessions and show trials leading to the death penalty. We should like to remind you that Iran is committing serious breaches of the fundamental human rights of its citizens and the state remains in blatant disregard of its international obligations. We, the undersigned, call upon the Islamic Republic to immediately cease any further abuses and to ensure the protection of the rights of protesters, journalists, lawyers, labor organizers and human rights defenders. We demand the release of those detained for exercising their fundamental right to protest and we demand the overturning of the death sentences given to persons for involvement in protests. It is never too late to commit to elementary human values.   Mai Villadsen, Member of Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance Trine Pertou Mach, Member of Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance Søren Søndergaard, Member of Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance Rosa Lund, Member of Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance Victoria Velasquez, Member of Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance Pelle Dragsted, Member of Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance Jette Gottlieb, Member of Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance Peder Hvelplund, Member of Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance Søren Egge Rasmussen, Member of Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance Nikolaj Villumsen, Member of European Parliament, the Red-Green Alliance   Åbent brev til den iranske ambassadør i Danmark Til: Afsaneh Nadipour Vi skriver til dig som medlemmer af Enhedslisten og det danske Folketing for at udtrykke vores bekymring og afsky over den alvorlige menneskerettighedssituation i Iran. Vi beder venligst om, at du videresender vores budskab til alle relevante myndigheder i republikken. Som du er klar over, har det chokerende drab på Mahsa Jina Amini – en 22-årig kurdisk-iransk kvinde, der blev anholdt i september 2022 for utilstrækkelig overholdelse af den obligatoriske hijab-lov – udløst vidtrækkende protester fra tusindvis af iranere fra alle samfundslag. Det er tydeligt, at Aminis brutale skæbne har ramte en nerve dybt i det iranske samfund. Men i stedet for at lytte til de folkelige krav om forandring og frihed, påbegyndte staten en hård nedkæmpelse

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