Karin Grech – we should never forgetADPD – The Green Party commemorates the 44anniversary of the brutal murder of fifteen year old Karin Grech on the 28ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said that we need to continue to reflect on this and other events because as a country we need to remember the consequences of political violence and what leads to it.

“This sad occasion should spur all of us to continue working in favour of the rule of law and remind us of the need for continued dialogue, particularly where there is a clash of ideas”.Carmel Cacopardo said that this country still needs to work hard to build strong institutions to nip corruption and abuse of power in the bud. Tribalism is a disease which must be cured as soon as possible. It has brought about deep divisions and led to a number of violent incidents. In addition it has has strengthened nepotism and clientelism.This bloody episode in our country’s history belongs to the whole country. “We need clear messages that our country is against violence, irrespective to who the victims are”, concluded Cacopardo.***Infakkru l-qtil barbaru ta’ Karin GrechADPD – The Green Party tfakkar l-44 sena mill-qtil brutali ta’ Karin Grech, fit-28 ta’ Diċembru 1977.Iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD Carmel Cacopardo qal li għandna nibqgħu nirriflettu fuq dan u episodji oħra ta’ qtil politiku biex pajjiżna jibqa’ jfakkar lilu nnifsu bil-kruha tal-vjolenza politika u dak li jwassal għaliha. “Dawn huma okkazjonijiet li għandhom jixprunaw lilna lkoll biex nibqgħu naħdmu favur is-saltna tad-dritt u l-bżonn ta’ djalogu kontinwu, partikolarment fejn ikun hemm skontru ta’ ideat” sostna Cacopardo.Huwa fakkar ukoll fil-bżonn ta’ istituzzjonijiet li jissorveljaw lil xulxin biex il-korruzzjoni u l-abbuż tal-poter ikunu dejjem imxekkla. Għad hawn bżonn urġenti li jitnaqqas it-tribaliżmu bejn l-Aħmar u l-Blu li storikament ġab qasma u vjolenza fuq skala nazzjonali. It-tribaliżmu nissel sistema ta’ nepotiżmu, klijenteliżmu u anke vjolenza.Dan l-episodju mdemmi fl-istorja ta’ pajjiżna jappartjeni lill-pajjiż u ‘l-poplu Malti kollu. “Hemm bżonn sinjali ċari u sostnuti minn kulħadd li pajjiżna huwa kontra l-vjolenza tiġi minn fejn tiġi u tolqot lil min tolqot”, temm jgħid Cacopardo.

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