5.30pm: https://www.facebook.com/GerryCarroll4WestMinster/videos/10158286345327192/UzpfSTUwMTg3MjE5MTpWSzoxMDE1ODI4NjM0NTMyNzE5Mg/ Online Panel Discussion with Gerry Carroll MLA, Bríd Smith TD, Ivanka Antova (UCU Activist), and Jane Crowe (Mandate Trade Union Shop Steward).We all know how to shield ourselves as individuals during this pandemic: hand washing, social distancing, isolation when necessary.

But how do working class people protect ourselves at work: in the mad dash to put wealth before health in some workplaces, or in the coming economic recession down the line?In times like these, we need to be organised. In times like these, you need to join a trade union.You need to join a trade union to ensure safety at work. You need to join a trade union to protect your job and terms and conditions. The better organised we are, the better off we will all be as a result. An injury to one is an injury to all.This Friday, June 5th, on the 152nd birthday of the greatest Irish trade unionist of all James Connolly, we are hosting “Join a Trade Union Day”: a series of socially distanced events, designed to highlight the need for people to get organised during this pandemic. The post June 5 2020: Trade Unions & The Fight Against Covid-19 – Online Panel Discussion appeared first on People Before Profit.

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