"I think President Iohannis has a very clear strategy to go twice with the same nomination and the prime minister nominated with the same government to give all the reasons to the parliament to vote against these nominations, so that we can trigger elections Anticipated.

Dan Barna and colleagues from the USR made this proposal for prime minister, first of all, to give a clear signal that the USR PLUS Alliance does not shy away from taking government under any conditions, including now," said PLUS President Dacian Cioloş, leader of the group Renew Europe, Wednesday night at Realitatea Plus." Two-round elections for mayors were politically sacrificed because I personally believe that if the PNL wanted two-round elections for mayors it was responsible for this project from the outset. I do not think he would have had a no-confidence motion as it was now, because the PSD was not yet dismembered after the fall of the government. It was one of the objectives, at least politically displayed, important of the NLP. There's a contradiction at NLP. I remember as early as 2016 – there is a clear positioning, publishing at least for two-round elections. I hope at least we have an early election. We have lost, for the most part, an opportunity to send the PSD to where it belongs, to disconnect it from public resources. I believe that at the moment there is a chance of at least 50%-50% of having an early election. I hope at least anticipated that we will. That is our central objective: to be part of the political majority in Parliament and to come to government. Until then, obviously all parties will have to present their political programme, convince as many people as possible to come to the polls and vote on the respective political programme with which we can then form the programme of government", said Dacian Cioloș.Dacian Cioloș a reiterated that the USR PLUS Alliance is ready to assume government at any time. "I think President Iohannis has a very clear strategy to go twice with the same nomination, and the prime minister nominated with the same government to give all the reasons to the parliament to vote against these nominations so that we can trigger elections Anticipated. Dan Barna and colleagues at the USR made this proposal for prime minister first to give a clear signal that the USR PLUS Alliance does not shy away from taking government under any conditions, including now on the one hand and, on the other hand, , to show that we are also prepared in the event that early elections will take place as soon as possible, in the immediate aftermath, that we are prepared afterwards and with a nomination of prime minister and with a potential government, and with a vision of and we are ready to take on this responsibility," the PLUS leader said. In this context, Dacian Cioloș stressed that if the USR PLUS Alliance had been in government, "things could have been different". "We could have participated in the decision on the priorities that the government has addressed in these last few months, being within the government. Firstly, the Special Section – there are still some reforms to be made in court. The NDP – which is a way to siphon public money and point it to political interests. We would have done what, unfortunately, not enough was done, which is to evaluate the projects that are now ongoing. I understand that this has been partially done, but I think it could have gone all the way. It was necessary to assume the responsibility of the government (n.r . It had to be tried anyway because you are not credible otherwise," explained the PLUS leader. When asked if he still trusted the PNL, Dacian Cioloș replied: "To the extent that we will understand ourselves on the objectives of government, yes."

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