With a clear vote, the SPD Federal Party Congress has decided on the future programme for the 2021 Bundestag election.

With broad support for the election programme, the approximately 600 delegates at the first digital party congress on Sunday laid the substantive basis for a social democratic decade: 99.3 percent of the delegates approved the future program. With the focus on "future", "respect" and "Europe", the SPD describes a clear plan – for a reorientation of the economy towards climate neutrality, for strong cohesion and the ambition to move forward together. SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans stressed that the future programme was "the central project" of the party. Since June 2020, thousands of people – not only from the party base – had co-developed the programme: more than 4,000 users had submitted and discussed more than 1,000 ideas at the digital program workshop: more than 1,000 ideas. More than 6,000 people took part in the digital debate camp. "The Future Programme combines the best ideas of many contributors in many thematic groups and debate formats. It is aimed at those for which we make policy together: for the vast majority of people today, but also for the generations after us," said Walter-Borjans. Party leader Saskia Esken said that the SPD was a party that was happy to debate. "But there has never been so much debate." The programme is a strong social democratic narrative. "Because we all know that the 1920s are crucial for our country," Esken said. The adopted programme describes the broad lines of social democratic politics and Germany's path to the future. At the Federal Party Congress, the delegates united behind the programme for the future and emphasized the visionary power of the election programme. In numerous speeches during the application deliberations, the delegates expressly welcomed the programme for the future, including the Federal Ministers: Franziska Giffey, Hubertus Heil and Svenja Schulze. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Eu Parliament Vice-President Katarina Barley underlined the strong European character of the programme and stressed that many challenges could no longer be solved at national level, but at the global level – but at least together with the European partners.

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