Civic education in Zagreb schools is introduced from the second semester of the upcoming school year.

Ivan Racan and Tanja Sokolić Djaković spoke at the press conference on behalf of the SDP, as well as Marina Ivandić and Damir Bakić on behalf of We Can! and Zagreb is OURS." Civic education is for us in the SDP and our colleagues in We Can! important. That is why the SDP Government has embarked on the reform of the education system and has developed a series of intermediate curricula that the Ministry ultimately adopted. The City of Zagreb has embarked on a process of examining interest in the introduction of this subject as extracurricular in schools in this school year as a pilot project, and then its introduction from the next school year. Our goal is that all students have the opportunity to be educated about civic education, just as our goal is to raise and balance the quality of work in all schools, which we are thinking of achieving by further training of staff, expert and material support to all teachers," Tanja Sokolic Djakovic said at a press conference today. After the implementation of the pilot project, from 2022/2023 they plan to introduce civic education in all Zagreb schools." It is important for us to balance the quality of work in Zagreb schools. We want to unleash the great potential that exists in our schools. We started by examining interest in schools, but we are still going very carefully, gradually, thoroughly and for that we need some time to be able to start with verified materials in 2022 and to communicate well the importance of civic education that we plan to introduce in 2022 in schools," said SDP's Tanja Djakovic.Damir Bakić said that they are aware that this moment may not be optimal, that teachers, students and parents are exhausted from these three semesters of teaching in the conditions of the pandemic and that in Zagreb part of the schools are functioning in dysfunctional spaces. He pointed out that it is crucial in the first semester to adopt curricula, select topics and teaching methods that he will then test in the second semester. He believes that civic education is a superide issue and a true value of society.

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