This motion has just been adopted with the votes of NOW, ÖVP and FPÖ!by Dr Peter Pilz,member of parliament,concerning 'Official dissolution of ATIB and Mill' Görü' associations, tabled in the course of the debate on the item on the agenda *** concerning '***' at the 89th session of the agenda.

The "ATIB Union – Turkish-Islamic Union for Cultural and Social Cooperation in Austria" (ZVR number: 657301787) is a nationwide umbrella organization that includes more than 60 Turkish associations. [1] Since 2017, there has been strong evidence that the Turkish umbrella organisation ATIB, through the state religious authority Diyanet and the Turkish religious attachées in Vienna and Salzburg, is under the direct control of the Turkish AKP, the party of the Turkish President. Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Even then, the Austrian Public Prosecutor's Office was made aware of the fact that the ATIB systematically collects information on persons critical of the regime in Austria on behalf of the Turkish religious authority Diyanet. [2] In the course of these spying, ATIB is also to take measures to minimize the influence of people critical of the regime in Austria. By targeting persons on Austrian territory, ATIB would comply with the fact of Paragraph 256 of the StGB, namely the operation of a secret intelligence service to the detriment of Austria. In addition to these serious allegations, numerous scandals in the umbrella organisation ATIB have become known in recent years. Most recently, images were published showing children in ATIB mosques in military uniforms exercising and saluteing in front of Turkish flags. [3] The Turkish Muslim Brotherhood is classified by the German Constitutional Protection as an Islamist movement that wants to establish an Islamic social order. [4] In Austria, the Turkish Millo Görü' movement appears mainly through its offshoot, the Islamic Federation. It is well known that associations of the Islamic Federation are disguised as cultural associations and thus exceed their legal sphere, as they in particular spread ideologies that contradict an open and liberal social order. Most recently, the Islamic Federation of Vienna[5] made headlines in Austria for inviting the radical Salafist preacher Safet Kuduzovic to Vienna for a lecture. Safet Kuduzovic is one of the most dangerous Salafist preachers in Bosnia. [6] Among other things, Kuduzovic is said to have called for violence against Jews and the death penalty for insulting the Prophet. In Germany, the German constitutional protection observes The German Constitutional Protection for its anti-democratic orientation[ In Austria, the BAT has been carrying out an advanced hazard research against Millo Görüi and its camouflage clubs for years. Associations that violate criminal laws, exceed their statutory scope of action or do not even comply with the conditions of their legal status in Austria must be dissolved by the authorities. For these reasons, the underpling deputies ask the following decisionThe National Council:"The Federal Government, in particular the Federal Minister of the Interior, is requested to dissolve the authorities as soon as possible in accordance with Section 29 of the Association Act of all associations. examine the ATIB Union in Austria and, in the event of violations of criminal laws, in particular 256 StGB, exceedances of the scope of the statutes or in the event of non-compliance with the conditions of the legal portfolio, dissolve the respective association by a decision; as soon as possible to check the official dissolution in accordance with Section 29 of the Association Act of all associations of the Islamic Federation in Austria and in case of violations of criminal laws, overstepping of the scope of the statutes or in the event of non-compliance with the conditions of the legal portfolio to dissolve the respective association by decision."

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