
Sven Clement (Pirates) | Merci, Här President. If you have colleagues and colleagues, as the experts and have been recommanded, this summer will not be mandatory for people over 50 years of age. This, then, is only the surprising position of the government, which has been published by the recom mandates, that it is precisely the expert advice that needs to be considered and on the basis of the decision, for which it is then necessary to provide it and to use it as a decision-making decision. We don't want to give the government or at least the Minister of State a gold medal at the backrowder. (Interruption) Well exactly that is what happened: On January, the Eent proclaimed as having no alternative and exactly that namely, jo, erëm ofgemellt, kéint ee bal soen. Essentially, in order not to make vaccination mandatory, the government is not aware of the fact that the virus is linked to a variant of the virus, and there are recent doubts as to whether a vaccination requirement will be effective. I don't know how a variant and how a higher incidence of infection would be in this case, in the wanter géintiwwerstoe. How should you know if a vaccination requirement is justified and justified? A can be a little more likely that people who are more afraid of vaccination than the virus will be vaccinated when it is mandatory to be vaccinated? All of this is actually not a new thing, but there is no new weight in the government. For ice, these froen were already central and due to the fact that they were already in the Wanter already a vaccination requirement. To me, the fro of the vaccination obligation deemools have known also our members to vote virgeluecht. And it is also true that a healthy majo- ritéit has been made compulsory to vaccinate. Elo at the sum mer therefore remain with an iron position, and although not, well more quantities, the vaccination would be on, but not more than quantities, that one can get the vaccination with a vaccination obligation and the air three. Experience from abroad shows that people who do not want to vaccinate against Covid do not vaccinate the majority of them when vaccination is mandatory. In and so many studies, which are concerned with a vaccination obligation to vaccinate the Riedele, have shown that men take the vaccine when it is mandatory, first and first for safe, as well as when the vaccination is free. Trust in the institutions! This is not the case, which we hope for as a law of mandatory vaccination. So the prime minister is right, as a good one, that a vaccination requirement is just when it is a success that is threatened by a broad majority of the population, which means when there is a social consensus that one should vaccinate, well that six will vaccinate. Since it is just the Fro, which is then a matter of compulsory vaccination, when the guide is to vaccinate just freely, well and there is a consensus. You are sitting, dat geet hei e bëssen am Krees. The problem of the vaccination obligation is therefore this: If you do not want to be vaccinated, a vaccination obligation makes sense, but the practice shows that the vaccination rate is not possible, as well as the guide to the strolls accept as a vaccination, that they do not trust. A wa vill Leit sech wëllen impfe loossen, majo, da brauch et keng Frecht. The vaccination requirement is in the narrow scenario so without effect and in the other onnéideg. A vaccination requirement therefore does not seem to make sense in any case, and that is why it is natural to do so, even if the copywriter prepares for a possible vaccination obligation for the wanter.In principle, it is not bad, but it makes sense. And it would have been better if the government had already prepared the lyricist. And then I don't like it, that I don't have to make it. I was originally told that the lyricists would have looked at the Abrëll do. I have a Kéier rezent op de Kalenner gekuckt ... (Interruption) Här Bausch, "Jo, se sinn do." I think of all the people of the government: "The copywriter is done, the copywriter is done." This Chamber as a legislator has the copywriter according to net mind and that not in April, not in May, not in June, not in July until elo. In addition, the copywriter for the Chamber does not do. It is not deposed by the government. And therefore, it is not possible to discuss a specific text. I'm discussing... M. Fernand Etgen, President | Här Clement, erlaabt Der datt den Här Bausch Iech eng Fro stellen?M. Sven Clement (Pirates) | M. François Bausch, Vice-Prime Minister | Hey Clement, you are exactly what I think, that when a bill wants to be depended.

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