1 May proposal: Arne's pension must be improved and expanded01-05-2024SF and the Red-Green Alliance propose that DKK 1 billion be set aside to improve and expand the right to early retirement, the Arne pension." Now Arne has received his pension, but many others out there are working hard.

They must be given better opportunities to retire earlier after a long working life"Every day, three million employees help keep the wheels turning. The work ethic is top-notch, even though the SVM government regularly raises the moral finger. The money can be found because fewer people than expected are using the withdrawal schemes. The fact that less is to be spent on senior pension, early retirement and early retirement gives increased room for manoeuvre. But the money reserved for the schemes should stay in the area and be spent here. There is still a real need." When I read about 56-year-old Dan, who has to take pills daily to take care of the work on the construction site, we are not at all in the goal of securing improvements in the retirement area"Unfortunately, it is not a matter of course that it goes in the direction of welfare improvements. For example, the Socialist People's Party fought hard to preserve the senior pension when the SVM government wanted to reduce it. After decades of deterioration in Danish employees' opportunities for dignified retirement from the labour market, e.g. through the early retirement scheme, the Socialist People's Party (SF) and the Red-Green Alliance together with the Social Democrats set a different direction after the 2019 election. In 2021, the agreement on early retirement (S, SF, EL, ALT, DF) – the so-called Arnepension, landed.The parties to the agreement behind early retirement (S, SF, EL, ALT, DF) have committed to carry out a service inspection of the model by 2030. This will be done in order to verify whether the system is working as intended. The Socialist People's Party and the Unity List want to bring forward this overhaul to now, as we can already see that the scheme does not collect as many as intended.

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