13 OF THE EUROPEAN PRIVACY NO. 679/2016PremessaEU Regulation 679/2016 and the Italian reference legislation ensure that the processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity of the person concerned, with particular reference to the confidentiality and protection of personal data. The Rousseau Association is aware of the importance of ensuring the security of the information and data that you can acquire when you visit these web pages and wish to subscribe to the Blog of the Stars.The Rousseau Association is committed to dealing with personal data that will be acquired in full compliance with EU Regulation 679/2016 and the Italian reference legislation and subsequent changes and integrations, and is committed to ensuring that the processing of personal data takes place in the process of data. respect for the rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity of the person concerned, with particular reference to the confidentiality and protection of personal data.1. The data processedThe personal data that is processed is the data that participants and subscribers of the Blog give to the act of their registration and are limited to the first name, last name, email address and mandatory within the limits where you want to receive notification of publication of a post or blog activities. The email reporting the publication of a new post will also be used to give users opportunities to consult and/or purchase editorial, photographic and film materials made by the Five Star Movement, the Rousseau Association and more. Among the purposes of the processing of the data given will be understood include those of the promotion of commercial and advertising initiatives against which, however, you will have, and each time, the opportunity to oppose, asking for the deletion of your e-mail address from the list of those to which the above messages are addressed. The navigation dataIn the same way as the computer data, the transmission of which is implicit and automatically connected to the use of internet communication protocols, which the information systems and software procedures in charge of the operation of this Site acquire in their normal operation; it is data that is not collected to be associated with individual identified individuals but which, by their very nature, could through processing and associations with data held by third parties allow to identify users (see below paragraph on cookies).2. The nature of the data provided and the legal basisThe delivery of your data, except for the navigation data indicated to the previous one (cookies), is optional and self-determined by the user who, therefore, attests to its completeness and its legitimate treatment. The treatment takes place on a voluntary basis and only with the applicant's express consent and to pursue a legitimate interest of the holder of the treatment or of a third party (article 6 paragraph 1 lett. f). Any refusal to provide them in full or in part may result in the impossibility for the Blog of the Stars and therefore for the Rousseau Association to properly carry out all the requirements related to the service that is intended to be required (art. 13 paragraph 2 and) European Regulation 679/2016). The purpose of the treatment (Article 13, c, European Regulation 679/2016)The data provided will be processed for the purposes of the "Blog of the Stars" service that is offered by the platform, i.e. those treatments related to information on the activities of the Five Star Movement, the ability to read and comment publicly on the articles on the site and respond to the posts of the subscribers. The navigation data, shown in the previous paragraph 1 letter b), will be processed only in order to obtain anonymous statistical information about the use of the site and to check its proper functioning. Cookies will be treated only in order to allow faster access to the Site.4. How to treat (13 paragraph 2 The treatment can be carried out with or without the help of electronic or automated tools, also through the purpose of authorised managers or appointees (the list of names of the companies responsible for processing the data is available on a special formal request to be forwarded to the controller), for the time strictly necessary to realize the purposes for which they were collected. The personal data, disseminated on the web along with the comment posted by

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