Romanian President Klaus Iohannis delivered a press statement at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases "Prof.

Dr. Matei Balş" on Friday, 29 January .c. Here is the transcript of the press statement:"A very sad day today, with the tragedy that happened here this morning. What I can say is that I am very sorry, I send my condolences to the bereaved families, and to those who have been here in the salons, I wish them a speedy recovery. They have been transported to other hospitals, where they will be treated appropriately. We have discussed, ever since the intervention forces were notified, constantly with those who led the intervention and, until now, we have received all the data, which is certain, of the intervention. It was a very complicated intervention, with a lot of forces involved. It reacted extremely quickly. Within very few minutes, the intervention forces intervened, extinguished the fire, moved patients to other hospitals. But unfortunately for a few it was too late. However, I would like to congratulate the intervention forces on the promptness of the intervention here in this terrible fire. It is very clear that some conclusions need to be drawn quickly and solutions come up. The situation is repeated somehow. We had, not long ago, a tragedy at Piatra Neamț, we now have here at "Balş", this tragedy, there were smaller fires at other hospitals and certainly the reasons are diverse, they are being investigated and the investigations will undoubtedly bring to light what happened, who is guilty and the culprits will be punished. But, in my opinion, the problem is much broader. In my opinion, we are dealing with structural problems here in Romanian hospitals and we have asked the new Minister of Health – and at the discussion we had a few weeks ago, and today again – to work with celere on a reform project for the entire health system in Romania, and I am waiting as soon as possible for the first ideas, so that we can start this reform. I don't want to end my short intervention before I say anything about the people who in these weeks, months, have been and remain my heroes - the doctors, the nurses, the entire staff. They have worked superhumanly, worked to exhaustion, have been working for a year under extreme stress, under very complicated conditions, with too little staff, and I express myself, and on this occasion, which is a sad occasion, but I express my admiration for all doctors and all medical staff, and in COVID hospitals, and in vaccination centres , and of all the medical units in Romania.All they deserve are praise and encouragement, but for those who administer the system, I repeat: there is a need for deep reform in the public health system, because such things must not be repeated!", said President Klaus Iohannis.

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