Maltese MEPs vote against lead shot ban, against the common interest of MaltaFortunately the vast majority of members of the European Parliament yesterday and today voted to restrict the use of hunting lead shot in a bid to protect wildlife and wetlands.

Fortunately they did not give in to self-serving lobbies and heeded science. The Maltese Nationalist and Labour MEPs on the other hand, joined forces with the fr-right and voted in favour of lead and against the common interest of the Maltese. Metsola, Sant, Engerer, Casa, Agius Saliba u Cutajar showed their true colours, defending the few against what’s right for our countryside and open spaces.ADPD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said: Some of these Maltese MEPs try to project an image of environmentalists, in fact they couldn’t care less about scientific evidence and the real interests of the Maltese. They are so beholden to arrogant lobbies that they did not mind joining forces with the extreme nationalist right to vote against proposals which protect our natural environment.It is a well established fact that lead has deleterious and serious effects on the health of humans and wildlife and poisons our environment. Today Maltese MEPs chose lead over us. Fortunately the European Parliament did not follow the example of Maltese Nationalist and Labour MEPs.***L-MEPs Maltin jingħaqdu favur iċ-ċomb u kontra l-MaltinFilwaqt li ninnotaw li l-maġġoranza kbira u assoluta membri parlamentari tal-Parlament Ewropew ilbieraħ u illum ivvutaw biex jiġi ristrett l-użu taċ-ċomb fl-iskrataċċ tal-kaċċa, partikolarment fil-viċinanzi ta’ għadajjar (artijiet mistagħdra/wetlands) , il-Membri Parlamentari Maltin kollha, iġifieri Metsola, Sant, Engerer, Casa, Agius Saliba u Cutajar, ivvutaw kontra l-mozzjonijiet, iġifieri favur iċ-ċomb u kontra l-interess komuni tal-Maltin.Iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD Carmel Cacopardo qal: Uħud minn dawn l-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej Maltin spiss jilagħbuha tal-ambjentalisti, meta filfatt juru biċ-ċar li jiġu jaqgħu u jqumu minn x’tgħid ix-xjenza u x’inhuma l-interessi vera tal-Maltin. Tant jiġu jaqgħu u jqumu li ma ddejqu xejn jingħaqdu mal-lemin estrem biex jivvutaw kontra abbozz ta’ proposti li jħares l-ambjent naturali u l-ispazji miftuħa tagħna. Għal darb’oħra il-Partiti Nazzjonalista u Laburista ingħaqdu biex iħarsu l-interessi egoistiċi tal-ftit, kontra l-interess komuni tagħna lkoll.Ta’ min isemmi li ċ-ċomb għandu effetti ħżiena ħafna fuq s-saħħa tal-bniedem, u fuq in-natura u l-ilma. Illum l-MEPs Maltin ingħaqdu biex jiddefendu ċ-ċomb. Fortunatament il-Parlament Ewropew ma tax kashom.

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