It is a great mistake to use professional categories, ® in which some European nationalities are present majority, as a negative example when discussions about immigration.

I will never accept such behaviour and i will make every effort and diligence at the level of European institutions to ensure that no Romanian citizenship will be subject to discriminatory policies, the president says. THE EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN OF PLUS, DragoÈ Tudorache, ® in a critical Facebook post on the first policy proposals related to immigration, apÄrute ã® in a recent official document†as a result of Britain's exit from the EU. In this respect, DragoÈ Tudorache stressed that the European authorities could make ® in the implementation process® in terms of the implementation of the in the European Union.âI have drawn the attention of the Vice-President of the European Commission, VÄra Jourová, on possible skid marks that could take place ® in the UK after Brexit and which could affect the mobility of European citizens, predilecation of those in the east of the continent. I will monitor the situation® permanently, because I believe there is a potential danger®in® confusing migration problems and the rights of European citizens working or wanting to work ® in the UK.According to a document officially recently,® in which the first policy proposals related to immigration appear, reference is made to those who are free-working and who will be subject to restrictive measures ® in the near future. Behind the formal phrases lies a harsher reality, as the British daily The Guardian directly intuits, which unsparely names the categories concerned: "Polish installersÂ" and «Romanian buildersâ€" In intuiting this danger, we have asked ® since last autumn the Home Office representatives in London to show the prevalence and a lot of ®understanding for the specific situations. I hope until ® in the last hour that the situation will not be out of control and that we will not have abuse scarce and damage. At the moment, I believe that the directions in the document are unacceptable, if implemented according to the first information provided by the persons. It is a big mistake to use professional categories® in which some European nationalities are mostly present as a negative example when discussions about immigration. I will never accept such behaviour and i will make every effort and diligence at the level of European institutions to ensure that no Romanian cetÄÈism will be subject to discriminatory policies, DragoÈ said Tudorache.DragoÈ Tudorache stressed that British politicians do not have the right to transform minorities and communities, who have made® significant efforts®in the British economy, as the Scapeive. â It seems to me equally dangerous and unacceptable that members of the Romanian community in the UK have been supple to denigrating campaigns ® before and ® during the Brexit referendum. British politicians are free to do what they want with the mandate they receive from their own electorate, but they have no right to transform minorities and communities, who have made efforts®®in the British economy, as a scapeman. The justification for their own failures is not ® in any way sufficient to endanger® European citizens who have worked or work®ed in the UK. I pt from the European authorities the proper sanctioning of any skid marks that the London authorities could do®in the implementation process ® in terms of exit from the European Union , concluded DragoÈ Tudorache.

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