"I no longer want to hear anyone claim that climate work and a competitive business community cannot be combined," says Anders Adlercreutz, Chairman of the Swedish Parliamentary Group, referring to the claims that the True Finns constantly raise parliamentary debate.– In Finland we have already had to follow from the sidelines for a long time, while Sweden has fared better in the growing data centre market. Now we can sense a change.

In both Kyrkslätt and Ingå, large projects are in the starting blocks. It is also not only a question of creating data capacity, but also a real climate act. The planned 250 megawatt data centre in Kyrkslätt will contribute to 1,000 new workplaces, but it will also eject its overlet heat into the district heating network and in this way could in the long term account for the heating of up to 100,000 single-family homes; says Adlercreutz.The use of coal power will be banned in Finland by 2029, and after that the peat in energy production will be phased out.– We will need new replacement energy sources. Through these data centres, we can unite it, that Finland strengthens itself as a global forerunner in digitalisation, at the same time replacing the very pollutioning energy production we want to get rid of. emissions are reduced by about 0.75 megatonnes of CO2 – that equates to about 4% of what is necessary for us to achieve our emissions target.

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