Carles Esteve, the MP for Compromise in Les Corts, announced that his group has started a round of meetings with unions to address the future of the ambulance service offered by the Valencian public health service.  As Esteve explains, "from Compromís we consider that alternative options for the health transport service other than the current system of awarding a contract to one or more companies must be assessed." "The current contract awarded to a UTE for the ambulance service ends next year and we understand that before making a new tender it is necessary to explore models that have been successfully established in other autonomies, such as the Balearic Islands, and that are being studied in others such as Navarra, La Rioja or Catalonia".

For the MP of Compromís it is necessary to rethink the current model of health transport to improve working conditions and the quality and effectiveness of the service, so "we believe it is important to listen to professionals in the sector and study how to improve this service".

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