Hemp oil is actually the English name for hemp oil.

It's the same product, with the same ingredients, we only took over the English term and we prefer to use it in everyday life. Many studies have shown that hemp oil can exert very positive physiological effects and in many cases promote healthy improvement. As far as dosage is concerned, it should be observed that the dosage for each person shows opposite values, so it is necessary to individually see how much oil the body may need. User experience has shown that although your dosage is individualised, it is worth starting to consume 5-25 mg a day, and then this dose can be increased or reduced if necessary. In general, it can also be said of hemp oil that it has a small dose of stimulant, stimulating effect, while in high doses it has a relaxing, soothing effect. With regard to its actual use before it is used, shake the glass well and then add a few drops that are suitable for us under the tongue. After that, wait 2-3 minutes, as the drug is absorbed through the mucous membrane and thus reaches the bloodstream, then swallow. It is also a general experience that the low intake of oil is more ideal than a large dose several times a day, as this avoids the development of any feeling of drowsiness. However, if we use hemp oil for the first time, we will definitely start with small doses, then gradually increase the dose. It is also recommended to consult a specialist.

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