The Prime Minister has pledged to create the same number of jobs lost as a result of the epidemic, but has not presented any serious proposals.

In view of the expected second wave, the LMP proposes to the government to immediately set aside a budget of HUF 200 billion for a complex building energy programme, so that it can begin the insulation and energy modernisation of the hungarian residential stock. And solar panels could and should be put on every building. The programme would create new jobs almost immediately, providing jobs for thousands of people. It means real tax cuts for families, families would have to pay noticeably less for heating in winter, and their bills could be up to 50-60 per cent lower. Last but not least, it also means climate protection, since 16% of CO2 emissions are released into the atmosphere because of the heating and cooling of our homes. Currently, some 3.5 million homes do not meet state-of-the-art technical and thermal requirements and should be insulated. Of these, 2.5 million are family homes. Nearly three-quarters of residential buildings were built before 1980, and their energy use is extremely high. No meaningful improvement has been achieved in recent years, while energy poverty remains a major problem. And the solar installation program would solve the long-term environmental and low-cost energy supply of families. Elisabeth Schmuck,

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