Eva Decroix: Reflex.cz: The demonstrators from Wenceslas Square are Russia's fifth column, it is necessary to say that clearly.

Divorces should be easier (www.reflex.cz) She does not want to tar all demonstrators with the same brush, public expression of disagreement and concerns is perceived by MP Eva Decroix as a legitimate part of democracy. The pity, she said, is that the national assembly Czech Against Poverty is taking space away from people who want to express their concern that the government is not doing enough. According to her, their organizers, headed by Jindřich Rajchl, are not interested in helping. "The purpose of calling these demonstrations has not changed, on the contrary, I believe that it is strengthening, and the way the last demonstration ended with an attempt to break into the museum really does not strike me as a democratic protest of poor people who are fighting for their interests," says the ODS politician, who considers it necessary to send an unequivocal message that this is an initiative of a fifth column. You can watch the full interview with Eva Decroix on Reflex.cz." It's only now that we're getting to things to move the system, not just keep picking corners that we didn't cause. The beginning of the parliamentary term was not easy," admits MP Eva Decroix, adding that "every government, every MP, each of us can do more and we can communicate better, we can take action faster, but we live in a certain context, and not all things are the fault of our government. If today it bubbles up that the valorizations were not set up correctly, let's say that this is some kind of legacy. We could have dealt with it last year, but last year we dealt with other things." He denies that Petr Fiala's cabinet paid too much attention to events in Ukraine. His priority was to ensure security, because if the functioning of the state were in any way threatened, negotiations on academics' salaries, pensions or anything else would be pointless. She herself learned a lesson when she published Václav P.'s statement on her social networks, in which she wanted to support slower pension growth. She used an illustrative photo to the words of a real senior from Vysočina to protect his identity and spare him from potential haters. However, she did not initially disclose that it was a stock photo, drawing a wave of accusations of lies and hateful comments on herself. "My job is for people to call me, to tell me their opinion, their criticism, that's why my number is public, because MPs are here for the people. The moment they call you to tell you only insults or threats, it's not entirely pleasant, but that's not complaining," says Eva Decroix, knowing that mistakes in politics tend to pay quickly and hard and that she still has a lot to learn in the field of political marketing. She has many years of experience as a family lawyer and mediator, so as part of her political agenda, she advocates that family law reflects the reality of courtrooms and current issues. "Today, even arranged divorces take an unnecessarily long time, they are demanding, traumatic, and I believe that we are able to set up the system so that it hurts less, so that the children hurt less, so that we do not treat divorcing parents as two defendants, but as competent beings who got into some development of their family, and stop using terms such as broken family and family crisis, Because the face of the family is only changing for them, and patchwork families, when new relationships are established and children from different partnerships live there, are quite common today. So that we are able to respond to it," Decroix summarizes his efforts to "humanize" the process. She will deal with topics related to divorce, child care, post-divorce trauma and the financial situation of single parents, together with other experts, on the floor of the Chamber of Deputies, where the conference Divorce does not end on 31 March will take place under its auspices. Eva Decroix1. Vice-Chair of the parliamentary group of the Parliament of the Czech RepublicChairwoman of the regional associationTags:interview in the media Chamber of Deputies Taxes and public finances ODS political group yes 2011 Labour and social affairs pensions

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