The LMP wants the government to amend its national strategy for the disposal of nuclear waste, so it is collecting 20,000 signatures.

At a press conference in Pécs on Tuesday, The Parliamentary Group Leader László Keresztes Lóránt said that the government's climate strategy was all about legitimising the Paks enlargement. However, contrary to the claim of Minister János Süli, minister without portfolio, nuclear energy is not cheap, environmentally friendly and unsafe, he added. He explained that nuclear energy is expensive because its price does not include the costs of eliminating nuclear power plants and the disposal of nuclear waste; in addition, the malfunctions of the Paks nuclear power plant point out that the production of this energy form is not safe; and the environmental impact sourcing uranium and waste disposal is not green. As regards research into the permanent disposal of highly radioactivity waste in the Boda area of Baranya, he pointed out that although the Prime Minister promised in 2015 that there would be no nuclear cemetery without the consent of the Pécsians, he still did not specify the opportunity for people living in the area to express their opinions. Elisabeth Schmuck, co-chair of the LMP, said that "one of the biggest crimes of the government is that it considered environmental protection to be a luxury, (...) environmental protection institutions, only the advantage conferred on greenfield investments and multinationals'. As you said, a central regulation was created in which ngos did not even have the opportunity to veto an investment. According to Erzsébet Schmuck, it is "now clear" that the Cabinet is committed to nuclear energy, but that with the paks enlargement it is taking decades of risk, which is unacceptable to the livable environment.

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