Jussi Saramo in his May Day speech: Populism has overtaken the common interest of Finns01.05.2024 | Jussi Saramo, chairman of the Left Alliance's parliamentary group, criticised the right-wing government's austerity policy in his May Day speech.

According to Saramo, Orpo's government is conducting shockingly irresponsible politics, even from a right-wing perspective.– Populism has overtaken the common interest of Finns. Decisions are taken without any impact assessments. In its ideological blindness, the right-wing government is driving down everything that has made Finland one of the best countries in the world to live in, Saramo says. According to Saramo, the right-wing government has two major goals: the systematic dismantling of the welfare state and the weakening of workers' rights. He warns that Finland is now heading towards an old-fashioned host power.– Structural unemployment does not come out of nowhere. It arises from a lack of prospects. It is a question of total indifference to the future of the Finnish welfare state, as long as the moment looks good. Saramo criticises the government's short-sightedness. He thinks that savings should have been made on paper at any price – both social and economic – working life should be made Eastern European instead of modelled on Northern or Western Europe. The Government is not in a position to present any employment impact for its actions. Turning local agreements into local dictation even weakens productivity," Saramo says. Saramo points out that the trade union movement and the political left have built so much good in Finland and the world that even one destructive right-wing government is no reason to give up.– It can already be seen that right-wing election fraud is starting to have an effect. People don't believe claims that government choices have been the only possible ones, he says. When the right incites fear against groups of people and tramples people to the ground, the left's view of human beings is different.– Finland is still one of the best countries in the world, and we have all the prerequisites to make it even better. We on the Left will continue to build a better society where everyone can feel important and do their part for the common well-being. We are a counterforce to greed and we know that an equal society is ultimately in everyone's interest. Saramo points out that European elections will be held soon. "For example, tax evasion by large corporations is such a widespread phenomenon that Finland cannot solve it alone. The European elections are also important for working life. The biggest improvements in working life have long come from the EU level," he says. Jussi SaramoRead Jussi Saramo's May Day speech in full:Dear friends and comradesFinnish democracy is in decline. The Prime Minister's Party, the National Coalition Party, remained silent about its main objectives before the elections, and the True Finns, the party of finance ministers, promised the opposite of what it is doing now. In the opposition, we have not been able to bring down this electoral fraud by voting. The workers have been able to resist, but the government is trying to squat them by banning strikes against itself. The right incites fear and hatred against groups of people and tramples people to the ground. The right is dismantling unity and safety nets built over decades. We on the left have a different view of humanity. We will continue to build a better society where everyone can trust that no one will be left alone. Where everyone can feel that they are an important member of society and where everyone can also do their part for the common well-being. We are a counterforce to greed and we know that an equal society is ultimately in everyone's interest. The government has two major goals, which are being pursued by dozens of means. They systematically dismantle both the welfare state and workers' security and rights. The government's weakening of working life is unilaterally on the side of companies against employees. Finland is now taking a step backwards for decades as we move towards the host power that prevailed a hundred years ago. The Government has reviewed the legislation of the peer countries and selected the weakest points for employees in each country. There is not a single balancing change that is positive for the employee. For these measures, the government is not in a position to present an impact on employment. Transforming local agreements, which are already widely used in Finland, into local dictation even weakens productivity, as our working life is made Eastern European instead of modelled on Northern or Western Europe.ComradesBy dismantling the welfare state, the government says it will fold

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