Renew Europe publishes Paris DeclarationPosted at 12:23 p.m.

in europe by Jana VercruysseParijs – Over the past three days, the European Parliament's Renew Europe group has been marching to Paris to debate and decide on liberal priorities and answers to current challenges in the EU and the world. The Liberals want to be the driving force behind a positive and progressive Europe and offer an alternative to the populist and right-wing agenda. With a strong Paris Declaration, they are jointly opting for a Union of human rights and states based on the rule of law, sustainable development and climate, innovation, European sovereignty and a renewed democracy. MEP Hilde Vautmans (Open Vld, Renew Europe) responds: "We are the only group in the European Parliament that insists so much on human rights, the rule of law and a renewed democracy, and does not sing away from the fight with populist and far-right forces. With our Paris Declaration, we want to bring a clear and strong European story, a liberal response to the current challenges with a concrete commitment and priorities. The Declaration comes at a key moment, in the midst of the corona crisis and only a few months before the mid-term of our current legislature. That is why we want to give a first state of affairs and share our ideals. It is really our ambition to come back as the second or even first European group in 2024! Over the past few days, we have been having intense debate and listened to a fiery speech by President Macron in which he looked ahead to the challenges and priorities of the upcoming French Presidency. I could also talk to him about a European Defence Union and a European army. I am convinced that we must achieve true European sovereignty without a unanimity rule in the Council. Moreover, human rights, especially children's rights, must always be number one for LGBTIQ and gender equality. Work must continue to be done on a sustainable and efficient migration policy that addresses all facets. We are also pulling the cart in the field of climate, because time is running out. Europe urgently needs to become more decisive so that action can be taken quickly in the event of a crisis, whether it is a pandemic, natural disaster or violent conflict." View the full Paris Declaration here.

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