"A government crisis must be averted in every way.

Renzi thinks of pulling the rope up to a millimeter from the tear, but he can get out of his hand and he himself would not forgive." Piero Fassino, former Guardasigilli, former mayor of Turin, founder of the Pd, appeals to the political will that allows solutions to be found, including on prescription. Fassino, you have experienced all, or almost all, the tensions in the centre-left. Does today seem like a similar situation to you when Renzi liquidated Enrico Letta at Palazzo Chigi? In place of "Henry stay serene”, now we are at “Conte stay serene”? "Renzi's way of moving makes that passage come back to mind. But it would be a very serious mistake to bring down this government. It would produce a crisis in the dark, with a close perspective of elections and without knowing how it would result.' But is another government possible? "I would not be in the dark perspectives. This government was born six months ago, it must be relaunched #8217;action. We don't chase other governments that are just going to be a way to send #8217; what c’is." Renzi, however, threatened a motion of no confidence in Minister Bonafede, author of the Statute Ofsheract. "It would be a grave mistake. I want to hope that Renzi is not so foolish as to produce a crisis of government. And I hope that's true when he says he doesn't want it. However, be careful: pulling the rope up to a millimeter from where it breaks, is very risky. It can get out of hand and then it won't be enough to say “I didn't want to”". Do you judge the leader of Italia Viva as a gambler #8217;gambler? "Renzi seeks a political space by distinguishing himself. It is legitimate, but it is no longer legitimate if distinctions become divisions. A losing strategy primarily for those who practice it: those who divide do not gather consensus. And it's not enough to always stop a minute before the precipizio. You can do it once, twice, three times, on the fourth you are no longer credible and then you are obliged to go to the bottom and produce disaster." But isn't it true that the Pd is towing the 5Stars, especially on prescription? "No, I don't see a 5-Star Pd. In six months we have rebuilt the relationship between l’Italy and #8217;Europe, set an economic policy for growth and reversed migration policy." What about the security decrees? "We are about to change them radically." On the prescription? "I don't escape the question. C’is a diversity of approach between Pd and 5Star. But the problem is how the criminal trial changes, giving justice certain times. The Pd is fighting for this and for the prescription node to be inserted there." Do you really think the dems have anything to reproach themselves for? "For goodness' sake, no one is infallible. But the Pd is an essential point of stability and security against the drifts of a violent right. L’attack on the Republic is not only a child of Salvini's brutality. The loyalist leader is the &#8217 the “illiberal democracy in Italy,#8221;, which within a democratic envelope pursues an autocratic management of power. A dangerous right that must be curbed. And a cohesive centre-left is the’only garrison. That is why I urge the Pd and our allies, starting with Renzi, to take a step forward for the reforms of the country, rather than continue to stand out." The article Fassino: “We must avert a government crisis” it comes from the Democratic Party.

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