The Riksdag has today had an interpellation debate on the upcoming healthcare reform.

In the SwedishRiksdagsgruppen group speech, MEMBER of Parliament Veronica Rehn-Kivi (SFP) defended the reform and stressed that the now proposed model is considerably better than the previous proposals.– It is no secret that the funding issue has been difficult for the SFP. But the funding base is now more diverse thanks to the party. The model takes better account of the challenges in the growing regions, bilingualism, the Sami and the position of the archipelago, says Rehn-Kivi.The now proposed model includes a cap on the cuts, both at the municipal level and in the area of welfare, and municipalities are compensated for the losses. Given the entire population and economy of Finland, the reform is necessary.– Almost all international credit rating agencies believe that structural reforms are necessary for Finland's creditworthiness to continue. A call to complete the reform is also contained in almost all economic policy recommendations. The recommendations of, for example, the Commission and the Council of Europe cover social and health care on a regular basis," says Rehn-Kivi.

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