The council of the Estonian Conservative People's Party (EKRE) approved the list of European elections and the election programme "For Estonia in Europe" at the Tallinn council.

EKRE's number one in the European elections is the party's chairman Martin Helme.The current MEP Jaak Madison is running as an anchorman and is ninth on the list – as in the 2019 Euro elections. Other candidates for the European Parliament are Riigikogu member Anti Poolamets, Member of the Riigikogu Helle-Moonika Helme, Member of the Riigikogu and former Chairman of the Riigikogu Henn Põlluaas, Member of the Riigikogu and entrepreneur Siim Pohlak, Member of the Tartu Council, Social Work Expert Merle Kivest, Member of the Riigikogu, former Minister of the Environment Rain Epler and Member of the Riigikogu, former Minister of Rural Affairs Arvo Aller.According to Martin Helme, Chairman of EKRE, the party's candidates stand for Estonian national statehood and the European Union as an association of nation states. "Our programme 'For Estonia in Europe' is based on the principle that we must not allow Brussels to hijack more power from nation states. We need to regain our independence, introduce effective controls at the borders, stop green extremism, restore freedom of thought and expression. Only then have the conditions been created for the survival of Estonia, for Estonians to remain masters in their own country and for the standard of living of our people to rise so that they are not forced to go abroad," said Helme.According to Helme, the goal of EKRE is to obtain two mandates in the elections. "If you look at Europe as a whole, the support of socialists and liberals is dwindling and the popularity of nationalists is growing. Europeans are beginning to feel in their own skin how the policies pursued by socialists and liberals under the guise of 'freedom', 'equality' and 'progress' are destroying nationalism, tradition and freedom of expression, making the people poor and degrading security. The impact of such a policy is also felt in Estonia, manifesting itself most acutely in price increases, an increase in immigration and the onslaught of woke culture. I believe that there are more and more Estonians who want to whine about this policy and take a course towards normality. The only sure way to do this is to vote for the EKRE candidate in the Euro elections."

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