– Municipalities must be supported in their plight in order to halt the deepening division into the good and disadvantaged communes, says Mr Kim Berg, member of the SDP, who is also vice-president of the municipal delegation.

According to the report of the state of the fresh municipalities of the Treasury, there are many municipalities in Finland that are in a spiral of negative development: The population is shrinking and ageing, settlements are reduced, income levels are low, unemployment figures high and municipal tax Increased pressure. The plight of the municipalities deeped the cuts in state contributions made during the last reign. From the flowering municipalities to the growth centres, they are usually well-received, educated and healthier than the inhabitants of the municipality. Migrants take up municipal tax revenue and state contributions, but generally to a lesser extent expenditure. In addition, over the years, municipal tax reductions have been raised, which has weakened the real return of municipal taxes, the more the municipality has small-and medium-income wage earters. – The misalignment and segregation spiral is thus complete, Berg says. The disparities in municipal tax rates have continued to increase and the favourable employment trends of recent years are not reflected in all municipalities. Although the employment rate has improved, the number of jobs has risen above the beginning of the 2010 century only in the major cities, Berg points out. – The current Marin government has drawn attention, inter alia, to raising the state of municipalities. In this way, we can ensure that all municipalities, despite the circumstances, the need for service and the differences in income bases, have the conditions to cope with their statutory tasks with a reasonable tax burden.

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